
AECC-IPA Euro 7 Driving Experience Event

06 June 2023

On 6 June 2023, AECC jointly with the International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA), held a Euro 7 driving experience event in Brussels for MEPs and European Parliament staff, as well as officials from EU Member States’ representations in Brussels. It was held at the Renaissance Hotel, close to the EU institutions.

As well as being driven in the AECC demonstrator vehicle, guests had the opportunity for detailed exchanges on technologies, performance and ongoing Euro 7 considerations. AECC presented the data from the recent AECC-IPA projects on light- and heavy-duty demonstration vehicles. The attendees had the opportunity to discuss the latest ultra-low emissions test data and findings, obtained over a wide range of driving conditions.

The practical and tangible nature of the driving experience greatly stimulated the interest and the curiosity of the attendees. Many of them posed several questions that were answered during – and sometimes beyond – the allocated de-briefing time after the drive.