AECC Technical Seminar on Heavy-duty Engine Emissions
25 October 2007
» Session 1: Policy and Air Quality
Mr. José-Pablo Laguna-Gomez, DG-Enterprise & Industry, European Commission
Future Euro VI emissions legislation and World Harmonization
Future Euro VI emissions legislation and World Harmonization
Dr. Günter Hörmandinger, DG-Environment, European Commission
A view of the needs and potential of Euro VI for EU Air Quality
A view of the needs and potential of Euro VI for EU Air Quality
Mr. Giorgio Martini and Dr. Barouch Giechaskiel, DG-Joint Research Centre,
European Commission
Particulates and the UN-ECE Particulates Measurement Programme (PMP)
European Commission
Particulates and the UN-ECE Particulates Measurement Programme (PMP)
Mr. Rob Cuelenaere, VROM, the Netherlands
A view of the needs and potential of Euro VI for Air Quality in the Netherlands
A view of the needs and potential of Euro VI for Air Quality in the Netherlands
Dr. Paul Greening, ACEA
Motor Industry achievements and expectations for the future
Motor Industry achievements and expectations for the future
Mr. Udo Lambrecht, ifeu - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, Heidelberg, Germany
Effects of planned legislation on transport emissions in Germany
Effects of planned legislation on transport emissions in Germany
» Session 2: Technologies, Strategies and Solutions
Mr. Andrew Nicol, Ricardo, UK
Heavy-duty Diesel Engine Trends to Meet Future Emissions Standards (Euro VI)
Heavy-duty Diesel Engine Trends to Meet Future Emissions Standards (Euro VI)
Mr. Rolf Brück, AECC Technical Steering Committee
Overview of emissions treatment technologies for Heavy-duty engines
Overview of emissions treatment technologies for Heavy-duty engines
Dr. Bob Brisley, AECC Technical Steering Committee
Overview of the AECC Heavy-duty Euro VI programme and emissions results on European Cycles
Overview of the AECC Heavy-duty Euro VI programme and emissions results on European Cycles
Mr. Jon Andersson, Ricardo, UK
Particle results from the AECC programme and their relationship to PMP
Particle results from the AECC programme and their relationship to PMP
Mr. Gerhard Rickert, AECC Technical Steering Committee
Overview of emissions on world-harmonised and non-road cycles from the AECC Euro VI programme
Overview of emissions on world-harmonised and non-road cycles from the AECC Euro VI programme