AECC Technical Seminar on Real-Driving Emissions of Particles (RDE PN)
04 July 2016
Agenda of AECC Technical Seminar on Real-Driving Emissions of Particles held in Brussels on Monday, 4 July 2016
- Mr Dirk Bosteels, AECC
Introduction - Mr Thomas Henrichs, DG-Environment, European Commission
Clean Air Programme for Europe – an update - Mr Alessandro Marotta, DG-Growth, European Commission
The third RDE legislative package - Ms Cécile Favre, AECC
From DPF to GPF: the success story of particulate filters - Mr Greg Archer, Transport & Environment (T&E)
How to avoid another emissions testing scandal? - Dr Joachim Demuynck, AECC
AECC project on real-world GDI PN emissions - Mr Jon Andersson, Ricardo
PN measurement experiences from 2016 AECC GDI project - Dr Francesco Riccobono, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Conclusions of the inter-laboratory PEMS PN comparison exercise - Mr Joel Danzer, Horiba
Status of PEMS PN instuments - Dr Joachim Demuynck, AECC
The importance of tackling cold-start RDE